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Website design

When I was invited to help with website work, our online platform was newly established. However, it was opportune, as it was in 2020, when all of school was virtual (a.k.a. no printed print). Understanding the additional importance of The Emery’s online platforms during such a time, I went the extra mile. 


“Can I like redesign it?” I shyly asked my journalism adviser, Ms. Badalamente.


“Anything you want,” she said.


And so collaborating with the Online Editor-in-Chief at the time, Vish Gondesi, we did.


I compiled slideshows screenshotting features of Best of SNO publications I thought worked well, jotted ideas I had, received feedback from Vish, and noted next to which ideas I would have to submit a SNO support ticket to learn how to implement such a feature. I sketched out how Vish and I visually idealized for the homepage to appear. Through numerous (confusing) emails back and forth with our managing editor and technicians from SNO we made that sketch a reality.

Click on the dots to learn more!

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